Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Matapelajaranmu dan Ilmuku
Kelalang Kon Wednesday, 19 February 2014 0 comments

inilah matapelajaranmu

adalah  interaksi  zarah dan tenaga

Usah lupakan keabadian jisim zarah
Usah abaikan keabadian tenaga
Usah mudahkan tindakkan zarah dan tenaga

Ingatlah zarah bertukar kepada tenaga
Ingatlah tenaga bertukar kepada zarah
Ingatlah untuk setiap tindakkan ada tindakbalasnya

Tidak ada keabadian kecuali keabadian hakiki

Maka yang hakikilah tujuanmu

adalah  zarah dan tranformasinya

Usah transformasi menjadi transmutasi
Usah zarah menjadi nadir
Usah lupakan keseimbangan dalam tindakbalas

Ingatlah transmutasi tidak kekal
Ingatlah jutaan sebatian  yang ada
Ingatlah semuanya menuju kepada ke seimbangan

                                                                       Maka seimbangakanlah dunia dan akhiratmu.


adalah  hayat dan  kehidupan

Usah diabaikan akan hayatmu
Usah dimusnahkan kehidupan sekelilingmu
Usah dilupakan hayat dan hidupan ada kaitan

Ingatlah suatu masa hayatmu  akan berakhir
Ingatlah kehidupan ini akan kau wariskan
Ingatlah kau akan ditanya akan hayat dan kehidupanmu

Maka pertahankanlah hayat dan kehidupanmu

Matematik mu
adalah hubungkait dalam hitungan

Usah hitungkan  resah yang dalam
Usah hitungkan payah yang datang
Usah hitungkan gagal  yang berulang

Hubungkaitnya menjadikan kita lebih kuat
Hubungkaitnya menjadikan kita lebih nekad
Hubungkaitnya menjadikan kita lebih sempurna

Maka amalkan dalam perhitungan kamu                                                                            

adalah  komunikasi dan  manusia

Usah komunikasimu samar
Usah komunikasimu jengkel
Usah komunikasimu omongan kosong

Biar jelas menikam sukma
Biar manis meruntun hati
Biar berisi menjadi ikutan

Maka bezakanlah antara insan dengan manusia

inilah ilmuku

Nukilan: Mohd Noor Mokhtar

Monday, 10 February 2014

Interesting Facts About EGGS
Kelalang Kon Monday, 10 February 2014 0 comments

Eggs contain all the essential protein, minerals and vitamins, except Vitamin C. But egg yolks are one of few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. Eggs also contain choline, which is necessary for healthy cell membranes in the body. Choline stimulates brain development and function and helps preserving memory.
Eggs also are good for your eyes because they contain lutein which helps prevents age-related cataracts and muscular degeneration. In fact, eggs contain more lutein than spinach and other green vegetables.
The color of the egg shell is not related to quality, nutrients, flavour, or cooking characteristics. White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and white ear lobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes. Brown egg layers usually are slightly larger and require more food, thus brown eggs usually cost more than white eggs.
An egg shell has as many as 17,000 pores over its surface. There are about 70 calories in an uncooked egg and 77 calories in a cooked egg.

How to determine whether an egg is fresh or hard boiled?
  • Just spin the egg. If it wobbles, it’s raw. If it spins easily, it’s hard boiled.
  • A fresh egg will sink in water, a stale one will float.
Egg (1) Very fresh , (2) A week old, (3) 3 weeks old & (4) 4 weeks old


What Cause The Smell of a Fish ?
Kelalang Kon 0 comments

Fish smell because of the decomposition process. The muscle of a fish contain a substance called trimethylamine oxide (TMAO). TMAO is broken down into trimethylamine and dimethylamine during the composition process which results in fishy smell.

How to Remove The Smell ?
  •  Rinsed off the trimetylamine by tap water
  • Used acidic ingredients such as lemon, vinegar,lime, tomatoes and baking soda. The acid reacts with amine (alkaline) and will neutralize the effect and reduce the smell.

Source :

Friday, 7 February 2014

Kelalang Kon Friday, 7 February 2014 0 comments

Dalam sibuk mengejar kerjaya dan cita-cita,  hal-hal keluarga hendak diberi keutamaan juga. Di bawah, disertakan beberapa langkah yang boleh diikuti...

Utamakan diri 
Apabila bergelar isteri dan ibu, adakalanya wanita lupa mengenai hak ke atas diri kerana terlalu menumpukan perhatian menguruskan rumah tangga dan kerjaya. 

Jika tidak mengutamakan diri dengan menjaga kesihatan mahupun kecantikan, mungkin aktiviti menguruskan anak, suami dan kerjaya tidak mampu dilakukan dengan sempurna. 

Selain itu, pastikan makanan disediakan sihat dan amalkan gaya hidup sihat. 

Tetapkan jadual kerja 
Buatlah jadual dan buat senarai mengikut keutamaan. Walaupun senarainya panjang dengan disiplin yang ketat, ia pasti boleh dilaksanakan. 

Tinggalkan kerja pejabat di pejabat 
Kerja pejabat seharusnya diselesaikan di pejabat. Jika kerja yang tidak dapat diselesaikan itu diteruskan di rumah, ia akan mengurangkan masa bersama keluarga kerana terlalu sibuk menghabiskan kerja pejabat. 

Lupakan seketika masalah di rumah 
Apabila berada di pejabat lupakan seketika masalah di rumah. Sekurang-kurangnya ia dapat memberikan diri untuk lebih fokus bagi menghabiskan kerja di pejabat. 

Ketika bercuti bersama keluarga lupakan persoalan dan masalah kerja. Walaupun hanya untuk seketika, tanpa disedari ia boleh merapatkan lagi hubungan sekeluarga. 
Berikut beberapa panduan untuk mengeratkan perhubungan dengan anak walaupun agak sibuk dengan kerjaya: 

Luangkan masa bersama sebelum anak tidur. 
Jika menganggap keluarga sebagai keutamaan dalam hidup, pastikan pulang dari tempat kerja sebelum anak tidur. 

Walaupun masa diluangkan itu terhad, apa salahnya bertanya khabar selepas seharian tidak bertemu dan layan anak bermain seketika sebelum masuk tidur. Ia akan membuatkan anak memahami ibunya yang sibuk bekerja tetap tidak mengabaikannya.

Pastikan cuti hujung minggu anak tanpa pengasuh 
Kebanyakan masa anak dihabiskan bersama pengasuh kerana ibu bekerja oleh itu, pastikan tugas itu dilaksanakan di hujung minggu. 

Ia waktu yang tepat untuk menyegarkan fikiran dengan beriadah bersama keluarga. 

Selain itu, walaupun cuti hujung minggu dihabiskan dengan hanya berehat di rumah, berikan perhatian kepada anak dan luangkan masa berkualiti bersama mereka. 

Walau sibuk bekerja, jangan lupa untuk menghubungi anak di rumah dan pantau setiap kegiatan mereka. 

Jangan abaikan mereka hinggakan tidak mengetahui perkara yang berlaku di rumah mahupun di tempat kegiatan lain kerana terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan. 

Beri galakan 
Apabila menasihati anak, ia perlu dilakukan secara tidak secara langsung melalui aktiviti bersama. Membebel paling tidak disukai anak terutama remaja oleh itu, elakkan tabiat berkenaan.

1. (7/2/2014)

Before and after
Kelalang Kon 1 comments

Salam Jumaat
Kelalang Kon 0 comments

UiTM Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa

food for thought
Kelalang Kon 0 comments

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Famous Car Logos
Kelalang Kon Tuesday, 4 February 2014 0 comments

Stories behind famous car logos.

Original report: Visually

Monday, 3 February 2014

Did you SMILE today?
Kelalang Kon Monday, 3 February 2014 0 comments

Most likely, the last thing you think about when you’re posing for your latest Facebook shot is the science behind your smile. But the truth is, there’s a lot more to a smile than meets the eye. 

Read on for 10 little-known facts that will have you beaming.

Fact No. 1: Smiling has body benefits.
Every time you frown, you’re unnecessarily exhausting 43 facial muscles, while smiling only uses 17 muscles. Some studies show that beaming can benefit your blood pressure levels. Add a laugh and you’ll also slim your middle -- the movement exercises your abs, diaphragm, shoulders and heart. Scientists at Vanderbilt University found that laughing can stoke your calorie burn by up to 20 percent.

Fact No. 2: Grinning is human.
One thing that separates us from animals may be our ability to accessorize, but it’s also our capacity to smile. We don’t learn how to smile from our surroundings; rather, it’s a natural mechanism that’s hardwired in us from birth. Studies have shown that newborn babies crack their first grin as early as two hours after delivery.

Fact No. 3: Women are more likely to smile.
Fact: The average woman smiles approximately 62 times a day. In that same day, a man only flashes his pearly whites a mere eight times. Interestingly enough, a study at Yale University found that the difference declines when the two genders share the same occupation. Why? The researchers believe that it could be because every workplace has an unspoken “smiling standard” that’s followed by all employees.

Fact No. 4: There are different types of smiles.
Happiness isn’t the only thing we can express when we turn up the corners of our mouths. During his research at the University of California, San Francisco, scientist Paul Ekman discovered that people smile 19 different ways, depending on social situations and emotions, including fear, grief and hatred. All types fall under two larger categories: heartfelt and artificial. You can differentiate the two: Sincere smiles cause the corners of your eyes to scrunch up -- insincere smiles don’t.

Fact No. 5: Beauty comes from a smile.
When asked to select more attractive counterparts, study participants at Scotland’s University of Aberdeen pointed to those people who were beaming. In another recent lab report, 69 percent of those asked said that women look younger and more attractive when they wear a smile rather than makeup.

Fact No. 6: Smiling leads to a longer life.
Research conducted at the University of Illinois has suggested that people who generally feel happy and smile more often have a longer life expectancy of nearly a decade. Another study looked at baseball cards. The Wayne State University scientists concluded that those athletes who were flashing their pearly whites in their pictures lived on average seven years longer than those who didn’t.

Fact No. 7: Healthy marriage from a happy smile.
People who grin consistently are more likely to have healthy marriages, say researchers at DePauw University in Indiana. Some say it’s because smilers can more easily express their emotions, and others think that people who smile often attract happier people, allowing them to form stronger, more positive connections.

Fact No. 8: Smiling releases endorphins.
Research shows that the simple act of turning your mouth up, whether authentic or not, can help release endorphins, feel-good hormones. Serotonin, a chemical that’s a natural stress-reducer, is also increased when you smile.

Fact No. 9: Fight a cold with a grin.
Cut down on those sick days by plastering a big, cheesy grin on your face. Every time you flash your teeth, your body produces greater quantities of antibodies and T-cells (or white blood cells), which may give your immune system a huge power boost.

Fact No. 10: Smiling is contagious.
During an experiment conducted in Sweden, participants reported that they found it very difficult to frown when they saw other participants who were smiling. Many began to turn their mouths up without even realizing it. Start smiling and the whole world will smile with you.

Adapted from: Stella Katsipoutis