Monday, 20 February 2012

Health Smart!
Kelalang Kon Monday, 20 February 2012 0 comments

~Pain Perception and Emotion~

For muslim, reading al-quran might be your best remedy
Getting a flu shot? Universite de Montreal scientists have found that focusing on a pleasant image could alleviate the sting. "Emotion can alter how we react to pain, since they're interlinked," says Mathieu Roy, lead author of a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

Using pleasant, unpleasant or neutral images to elicit emotions and electric shocks for pain, scientists monitored the subjects' brain reactions and found the pain was worse when paired with negative emotions. This is evidence that pain  is governed by mood, say researchers.

By listening to music it could be used to reduce the pain
"Nonpharmaceutical interventions-mood enhancers such as photography or music-could be used to help alleviate pain," says Roy.

"These interventions would be inexpensive and adaptable to several fields," he stresses.

This picture might help to give you positive emotion

(Source: Reader's Digest)

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