Saturday, 28 January 2012

Shortness, Heightens.. Heart Risk
Kelalang Kon Saturday, 28 January 2012 0 comments

Short people have a higher risk of heart disease ...

Finnish researchers suggested in the European Heart Journal that women under 153cm and men shorter than 165cm are 1.5 times more likely to develop and die from heart disease.

Studies showed that there is a strong link between stature and heart disease risk, although the reason is not conclusively clear (thanks God...). It could be that shorter people have shorter blood vessels to the heart, which may make it easier to clog. But researchers say that short people should not worry unduly. There are also other factors like weight, lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking and exercise that contribute to heart risk.

This does not mean that tall people are protected againts heart disease, only that short adults should pay attention and realise their increased risk.

What's most important for maintaining a healthy heart is to exercise regularly, eat a healthy and balanced diet, stop smoking and watch your weight! 

(Source:Article from Reader's Digest)

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